home Payment Options

You can pay using the following methods:

  1. Bank deposit to our account*

PEIRAEUS: 6559 121537 019 | IBAN: GR71 0171 5590 0065 5912 1537 019 (ANNA KALAITZI & CO. EE) BIC: PIRBGRAA (for international deposits)
NATIONAL BANK: 2394 4010 265 | IBAN: GR04 0110 2390 0000 2394 4010 265 (ANNA KALAITZI & CO. EE)
EUROBANK: 0026.0014.21.0200658334 | IBAN: GR63 0260 0140 0002 1020 0658 334 (ANNA KALAITZI & CO. EE) BIC: ERBKGRAA (for international deposits)
2. Via Viva Payment
3. Via PayPal
4. Cash on delivery to the shipping company’s representative upon receipt of the shipment
5. Cash when picking up your order from our office

  • NOTES:
  1. The deposit must be in the name of the customer.
  2. If you choose to make a deposit via web banking from a bank other than those listed above, the bank may charge transaction fees which will be your responsibility.
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